Thalia (Journal 3)
Fair use and copy right is certainly a topic that was not taught to me in school, but rather something I learned on my own later on in life. Fair use can be described as being allowed to use work that is copyrighted, but only under specific conditions & without the permission of the copy right owner. Fair use allows individuals to possibly build upon a prior work, without infringing on the previous individual's/ or original owners' rights. Copyright basically allows the owner to do whatever they want. It gives them the right to decide what they want to do with it. They can control the use of their work by others. As a teacher, I believe the first step to teaching these topics is by being a good role model. Being mindful and well informed is important, especially in the topic. A good start, would be to explain he overall goal of both terms. Yes, each term has their own definition. However, showing students that the purpose of these terms is to inc...