Thalia (Journal 3)

     Fair use and copy right is certainly a topic that was not taught to me in school, but rather something I learned on my own later on in life. Fair use can be described as being allowed to use work that is copyrighted, but only under specific conditions & without the permission of the copy right owner. Fair use allows individuals to possibly build upon a prior work, without infringing on the previous individual's/ or original owners' rights. Copyright basically allows the owner to do whatever they want. It gives them the right to decide what they want to do with it. They can control the use of their work by others. As a teacher, I believe the first step to teaching these topics is by being a good role model. Being mindful and well informed is important, especially in the topic. A good start, would be to explain he overall goal of both terms. Yes, each term has their own definition. However, showing students that the purpose of these terms is to incentivize creative is important for them to understand. I would want my students to understand that I want them to be creative and that we want to make them feel  respected and celebrated. This should encourage them to do things the right way when it comes to this topic. As a reading teacher, I would probably introduce them to some vocabulary words. I would also have them do some type of work and give them the option of how they want their work to be shared/displayed, while then explaining how the scenario relates to copy right and fair use. 

    If a student of mine committed some type of academic dishonesty, I would definitely give them a lower grade if its a first time offense. If they do it a second time I would just give them an F for the assignment. air think its important to be a bit lenient for first time offenders, mainly because a lot of times students aren't well aware on the entirety of the topic. If I were to see students cyberbullying, I would first speak to the student 1 on 1 & immediately call the parents after. In my conversation with the student I would explain how serious and wrong it is to cyberbully. 

    Working on this newsletter was SO MUCH FUN! I really enjoyed working on the banner. I haven't really done a banner too many times, so it was fun playing around with it and seeing what worked and what didn't. I also enjoyed decorating the newsletter and really pretending like I was actually a teacher. I already knew how to do most of the stuff, but I enjoyed learning more about how to make a banner, while also learning how to potentially do the layout of the newsletter, since newsletters are text heavy. 


  1. Thalia, this is amazing! I think you did a wonderful just using an appealing approach to your newsletter and implementing important information for you class families. My favorite part is the technology check! This is such a great idea and it also gets the students excited about learning because they get to experience education on technology, in a fun and creative way.


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