Thalia M (Blog 2)
I have been using Microsoft Word for as long as I can remember. I feel like this is a software that is automatically taught to children, since an early age. I have probably been using word since 1st or 2nd grade. I use it all the time to write papers & I even took a computer software class at Miami Dade College, where I learned about the specific of Microsoft Word. Overall, this is a super easy software to use & more convenient for me. I would prefer it much more than google documents. For some reason, google documents feels messy to me. However, I will say, that Google Documents is convenient when having someone check an essay or any document.
The ISTE standard that is most meaningful to me is 2.1 Learner. This ISTE standard states that, "Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning." This means that as an educator you set learning goals , participate in local and global learning networks, and stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes. This standard mainly focuses on being a lifelong learner, but also encompassing the other standards into this one, such as collaborator, citizen, etc. Being able to learn about what works and what doesn't, learn about your students and the different ways they learn, and learning about the advancement sin technology and learning unique ways to incorporate into your curriculum area are pivotal to student success.
Being a digital native, means you were born at a time where technology was present, and as a result, you were able to do more things than people did in the past. So for instance, I would probably consider myself a digital native in that sense. I would not say I agree, or disagree with the term. To me it is simply just there, mainly because although some people weren't born in an era of technology, they have come to learn about technology in a way that one would think they were born in an era of technology. So although I don't 100% feel a type of way about it, I would probably be more on the agree side vs. the disagree. I have definitely seen a difference in how I use technology, as opposed to how some of may teachers, who are considered digital immigrants. I would say, I am more creative with it and I am more inclined to use it for educational purposes. On the contrary, some of my teachers and even co workers of mine only use it for basic stuff, such as by using words or powerpoint.. & LETS FORGET ABOUT USING SOCIAL MEDIA! :( Most of my teachers would have never used twitter for educational purposes or to incorporate it into our curriculum to teach a particular lesson, or whatever the case may be. When I was a teacher, I definitely used technology and different forms of social media, not only to teach the students, but even as a form of communication with parents. Even with the teams I coach, I teach them how to create highlight videos to present to college coaches. I think technology is truly an amazing tool, if used for the right reasons and in the right way, with proper guidance. There is still so much stuff I don't know, but I think that working with youth is a good way to stay up to date with all the newer stuff with technology.
I can relate to your use of using word since you can remember, Microsoft Word seems to be one of those things that everyone uses, and is a universal tool. I also agree that technology can be a great tool, and none of my teachers thought about using twitter or anything like that growing up as well. It is interesting to see social media as a way to communicate with the parents. I had never thought about that.